Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why I hate Taz

First off, fuck your bitch and the click you claim. Second off, Taz ain't hard baby.

Fact: Taz in one loony tunes episode agreed to marry Bugs bunny who was descized as a female taz.

Conclusion: Taz is gay.

Fact: Taz is crazy: I mean that's great and all, but crazy does not mean hard. There are plenty of soft ass crazy bros out there, but I ain't scared of none of em.

Conclusion: Crazy does not equal hard

Fact: dizzy devil is some sort of spawn of Taz

Conclusion: the mere fact that mongoloid child thing is related to Taz makes Taz soft as shit. He could not even raise a hard ass kid because shit was not real enough in the Taz household to toughen that little shit up.

So to all the fucking bros with your don't tread on me Taz tatoos/bumper stickers, turn the Nickle Back down on your ipod and sit on it.

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